Top Caregiver Tips for Maintaining Health and Well-Being


If you’re a caregiver, one of the most important things you can do is carve out time for yourself. Try to make this a conscious effort every day. It can be as simple as spending 10 minutes taking a walk, diving into the latest bestseller or weeding your garden.

Caring for yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a caregiver. It's key to maintaining your own health and well-being. When you feel better, you can take better care of your loved one.

Keep these simple steps in mind to ensure you find the time and resources to take care of yourself: 
  1. 定期进行体育锻炼. 常规的, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity — even in small increments — can boost your energy level. 运动可以减轻压力, 帮助你保持健康的体重, and can help you keep your blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels.  is a great way to get started, even if you only take a brisk walk around the yard.
  2. 保持有益心脏健康的饮食. A 健康的饮食习惯 会给你更多的能量吗. Eating well can help prevent other health problems, too. If you have to “eat on the run,” try to choose nutritious snacks.
  3. 保证充足的睡眠. Aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. 良好的睡眠有利于你的整个身体, 包括你的心脏和大脑, 有改善情绪的效果, 记忆和推理.
  4. 给自己留点线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Take time every day for an activity you enjoy, 比如阅读, 走, 工艺品, 做饭或听音乐. Whatever makes you happy and relaxes you can be therapeutic.
  5. 在生活中保持幽默. 这是真的——笑是良药. Try to find humor in your life every day. Watch a silly TV program or go to a movie that tickles your funny bone. Find things to laugh about with the loved one in your care — that person needs joy, too.
  6. 出去走走. At least once a week, break out of your routine and go somewhere enjoyable. 去当地的咖啡店逛逛, 参加宗教活动, 参加培训班, visit a friend or just wander around the mall. If your loved one needs constant attention, ask for help. It’s likely that someone will be happy to give up an hour or two a week so that you can get out for a breath of fresh air.
  7. 注意抑郁症. The demands placed on you as a caregiver can be difficult and stressful. If you are experiencing signs of depression, talk to your health care professional. Often, depression can be managed with talk therapy or medication.
  8. 照顾好自己的生意. Keep your finances in check, work when you need to and don’t stop planning for the future. If you allow yourself to be totally immersed in your caregiver responsibilities, it can be harder to re-integrate into life later on. 继续活着.
  9. 预约医生和牙医. Do all you can to maintain your health. If you’re sick, you won’t be able to care for your loved one. Ask for help when you need it so you can get away for your own medical appointments and take care of your health and well-being.
  10. 积极思考. Take time every day to refresh your mind. Recognize your limitations and make peace with them. 放下罪恶感. Pat yourself on the back for the job you’re doing. If you’re feeling guilty or angry, take a break.
  11. 学会应对压力. Identify your sources of stress and decide what you can and cannot change. Then decide what steps you can take to reduce your stress. Stress reducers could include exercising, 阅读, 冥想, deep breathing or spending time with family or friends.
  12. Stay connected with the outside world. Don’t allow yourself to become isolated. Stay connected with family and friends, even if it’s just by phone or online. Talk to friends about something other than your role as a caregiver.